Relational databases (RDBs) store vast amounts of structured data across multiple interconnected tables. This rich relational information has immense ...
In order to engage customers in longer, more productive conversations, Alexa needs to solve the problem of reference resolution. If Alexa says, “‘Believer’ ...
Earlier this year, at Amazon’s re:MARS conference, Alexa head scientist Rohit Prasad unveiled Alexa Conversations, a new service that allows Alexa skill ...
During a conversation between a customer and a dialogue system like Alexa’s, the system must not only understand what the customer is saying currently but ...
Today I am happy to announce the public release of the Topical Chat Dataset, a text-based collection of more than 235,000 utterances (over 4,700,000 words) ...
Amazon today announced the public release of a new data set that will help speech scientists address the difficult problem of separating speech signals in ...
This year at the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural-Language Processing (EMNLP), we will cohost the Second Workshop on Fact Extraction and ...
Language models, which encode the probabilities of particular sequences of words, have been much in the news lately for their almost uncanny ability to ...
As the effects of climate change become more evident, climate models have become an increasingly essential tool for researchers seeking to predict how those ...
We are excited to announce that Amazon Prime Air, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), is hosting the First Workshop on Airborne Object Tracking ...