Researchers in Amazon’s Seller Partner Services organization, together with colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, have publicly released ...
At the 2021 Conference of the European Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), we received honorable mention in the best-long-paper category for ...
Amazon has announced a new research challenge titled Knowledge-Grounded Task-Oriented Dialogue Modeling on Spoken Conversations, which aims to improve the ...
Recently, AI models that can engage in open-domain dialogue have made a lot of progress — the top finishers in the Alexa Prize challenge, for instance.But ...
On November 10, at the fourth Fact Extraction and Verification workshop (FEVER), we will be announcing the winners of the third fact verification challenge ...
Through smart-home devices and systems, customers can already instruct Alexa to do things like open garage doors, turn lights on and off, or start the ...
Imagine that all people around the world could use voice AI systems such as Alexa in their native tongues. The MASSIVE ...
Question answering (QA) is the machine learning task of learning to predict answers to questions. For example, given the question, “Where was Natalie ...
Amazon's contributions to this year's European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) reflect the diversity of the company's research interests. Below is a ...
Earlier this year, we released MASSIVE, a million-record natural-language-understanding (NLU) dataset composed of human-translated utterances spanning 51 ...