Welcome to the Worldwide Returns & ReCommerce team (WWR&R) at Amazon.com. WWR&R is an ...
This post is an adaptation of a keynote address that Leo de Moura delivered at the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), in July ...
Most secure transactions online are protected by public-key encryption schemes like RSA, whose security depends on the difficulty of factoring large ...
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a high-performance, cloud-based block storage system designed to work with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). EC2 ...
Formal verification is the process of using automatic proof procedures to establish that a computer program will do what it’s supposed to. Given a ...
Automated reasoning is the ability of machines to make logical deductions. One common application of automated reasoning is in software verification, or ...
At last week’s ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), my colleagues at Amazon Web Services and I won a best-paper award for our work using ...
This week, Amazon Science added automated reasoning to its list of research areas. We made this change because of the impact that automated reasoning is ...
At this year’s Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) conference — a leading automated-reasoning conference collocated with the Federated Logic Conferences ...
In Rustan Leino’s ideal world, computer software always works as intended. In the real world, though, he knows that software engineers are people like him — ...