George Karypis, an Amazon senior principal scientist within the Amazon Web Services organization, has been awarded the SC21 Test of Time Award for a 1998 ...
George Karypis, a senior principal scientist at Amazon Web Services, is one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Conference on Web Search and Data Mining ...
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), whose annual conference begins this week, had its first meeting in 1980. But its AI ...
The field of machine learning is evolving at a rapid pace, with the regular release of new models that promise improvements over their predecessors. ...
Graphs are an information-rich way to represent data. A graph consists of nodes — typically represented by circles — and edges — typically represented as ...
Time series forecasting and graph representations of data are both major topics of research at Amazon: time series forecasting is crucial to both supply ...
We humans often lament that we cannot predict the future, but perhaps we don’t give ourselves quite enough credit. With sufficient practice, our short-term ...
As general chair of this year’s ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Huzefa Rangwala, a senior manager at the Amazon Machine ...
Graphs are a useful way to represent data, since they capture connections between data items, and graph neural networks (GNNs) are an increasingly popular ...
Recommending related products — say, a phone case to go along with a new phone — is a fundamental capability of e-commerce sites, one that saves customers ...