The quantile function is a mathematical function that takes a quantile (a percentage of a distribution, from 0 to 1) as input and outputs the value of a ...
Danielle Maddix Robinson had been working at Amazon Web Services (AWS) for about a year and a half when the COVID-19 pandemic presented a type of ...
Time series forecasting and graph representations of data are both major topics of research at Amazon: time series forecasting is crucial to both supply ...
When football fans evaluate a player’s performance, they measure the player’s execution of specific plays against an innate sense of the player’s potential. ...
In any given month as a principal data scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elena Ehrlich might be working on time-series modeling, a computer vision ...
The Earth is a complex system. Variabilities ranging from regular events like temperature fluctuations to extreme events like drought, hailstorms, and the ...
Recommendation systems, naturally, tend to recommend products that have proved popular over time — whether in general or among customers with particular ...
On what are known as game days to teams inside Amazon, millions of virtual “customers” log on to the Amazon Store to search for items, browse product pages, ...
Time series forecasting is essential for decision making across industries such as retail, energy, finance, and health care. However, developing accurate ...